Sunday, November 16, 2008

Chapter 7: Long Time, No Write!

So, I have been called back to the world of blogging by my friend Jac's family blog, which she just started. This blog was originally created for us to keep in touch when we all graduated and went our own separate ways in life. Well, that has certainly happened now. But we have failed miserably at keeping these updated for one another to read. 

Here's my attempt at turning this into a habit. I really do have so many stories from day to day. My students are absolutely hilarious. Some of the funniest 15 year olds you will ever meet. I am a very lucky, very entertained lady most of the time. There are so many times when something happens at school and I think to myself, "I can't wait to tell my girls about this one!" But, always, without fail, innumerable other things come up during the day, and my funny stories escape me when we next talk. I know I have shared a few stories with you all from time to time. For example, the students' pet peeve essays, which included such topics as: Asians, peanut butter, back fat, and being called Mexican. I could not believe that two students in the same class hate Asians and peanut butter-- I've never missed Lisa while grading essays so much! 

Well, anyways, I will be posting more often from now on. That shouldn't be hard to do since I haven't posted since last summer right after we got back from Europe!!! Oh... more news! My sister and I are going to Europe this summer! My parents have decided the trip will be our Christmas gift. It looks like our trip will include the British Isles this time, which I am really excited about. You all know how I feel about the English language... I like speaking it. I also really enjoy British accents. I have a feeling I will just be laughing at how adorable the people are when they speak to me the entire time I am there. Scotland is going to be tough... I've seen Braveheart a few too many times. 

I haven't checked anyone else's blog in a really long time. Maybe I am the only lame one in the bunch. Perhaps you have all been posting and I am out of the loop... Nope. Turns out we're all lame. That's why I love you all; we're all lame together. 

1 comment:

Jac said...

Ali!! Okay, I am so excited that you have a blog. And now I am a follower! (Never thought we'd end that sentence with an exclamation, I'm sure...)

Possibly my favorite part of this entire post is the context in which you say, "You are know how I feel about the Enlish language...I enjoy speaking it." Love it! And love you! (And Stu! Let's get together!!)