Friday, July 27, 2007

Chapter 6: My First Summer Camp

So I just got back today from camp with the junior highers from my church. It was an incredible experience. They were amazing kids, and it was so encouraging to see the way that junior high students can act when they are raised well and when they are high on God instead of drugs. But seriously, I had an awesome time and feel really good about the fact that I got to be a part of that. I knew I would be fulfilled by going, but I was dreading the kids a little bit, to be honest. I didn't know any of them, and while I would have been excited to go hang out with high school kids for a week (great experience for the future, etc.), when I think Jr. High I think "awkward" or "trouble." I was proven wrong throughout the week as I watched the students grow together and individually in their faith. As it turns out, I got so much out of a camp that was meant for 14 year olds. There was an amazing group of chaperones that went along, and I know we all felt so lucky to be there with the kids this past week. Waking up at 6:45 wasn't really my cup of tea, as I am sure you all know. But it was absolutely worth it. I met some great people, learned a lot about myself, and spent a week doing something that I know God wanted me to do-- it doesn't get any better than that!
I'm looking forward to being back in Gville in a couple of weeks... can't wait to be back with all my girls! Love you guys and talk to you soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear you enjoyed the experience! Miss you up here and looking forward to you and Chels coming back! xoxo